Ponte Dom Zameiro R. Dom Zameiro, Bagunte

Ponte Dom Zameiro

383 Avaliações
Ponte Dom Zameiro R. Dom Zameiro, Bagunte

Sobre o Negócio

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  • Entrada acessível a pessoas em cadeiras de rodas

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Agostinho BARBOSA
Ponte Dom Zameiro
Ideal bridge for some medieval shots or a romantic atmosphere.I love these cobblestone roads, it's like traveling back in time just looking at this street on this bridge crossing the river. I sometimes imagine a horse-drawn carriage coming up the road out of the fog.There is also a watermill there, as well as other buildings on the banks of the river.If you come to pass nearby, do not hesitate to make a detour, you will like to stop there for a moment.

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R. Dom Zameiro, Bagunte
Ponte Dom Zameiro